When to Get a Second Opinion on Oral Surgery and Why

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A dentist performs surgery on a patient

When your dentist tells you that you will need oral surgery, that’s not something to take lightly. There are many factors to consider such as the cost, risk, recovery time, and effect on your oral health. In some situations, it may be wise to seek a second opinion. Here’s what you should know:

Why Get a Second Opinion?

Some oral surgeries can be invasive with a long recovery time and come with a fair bit of risk. This is not something you should rush into without thinking. It’s worth taking a beat to consider what your other options might be. Getting a second opinion from another dentist may open another, simpler path to treatment.

When Should You Get a Second Opinion?

The easy answer here is to get a second opinion whenever you believe it’s wise, but there are some specific scenarios to look out for. As mentioned above, if there’s a serious enough issue, it’s worth looking for another opinion. The same is true if you notice your dentist or specialist is calling for a lot of work to be done to address an issue you’ve never had in the past.

It’s also worth getting a second opinion if you believe there’s not good communication between you and your dentist. If you feel like you’re not getting the whole story or just don’t understand why surgery is necessary, it’s worth getting a second look at the issue.

What Questions Should I Ask?

If you’ve decided to get a second opinion, there are a few things you’re going to want to know coming out of the appointment. It’s important to ask the right questions. Is the surgery my dentist recommended the least-invasive option? What are the costs of different treatments? What are the potential risks and benefits for this surgery? What could happen if this is not treated right away? These are all good questions for the dentists or specialist giving you a second opinion.

If you need a second opinion on any oral surgery option, the Center for Implant Dentistry is here to help you. We can tell you whether surgery is right for you. Contact our office in Bakersfield, CA, today to schedule an appointment.