Get New Teeth in a Day with All-on-4™ Implants

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Older woman smiling at dentist office after procedure

Tooth loss is common.

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, nearly 180 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and approximately 40 million are missing all their teeth.

There are numerous factors that play a role in tooth loss, like as oral hygiene, age, lifestyle choices, and regular wear and tear. Regardless of the reason, it is important to replace missing teeth.

Not only do missing teeth affect appearance and self-confidence, but they also have a major impact on quality of life and longevity. Research has shown that losing teeth can shorten lifespan, as the ability to eat properly helps prevent small medical problems from growing into larger, potentially life-threatening, complications.

All-on-4™ implants are the ideal solution for those with severe tooth loss and can provide you with a new smile in as little as one visit.

In this blog we will look at the origins of this implant innovation, its methodology, and a few reasons why it can be a preferred option over other tooth-replacement solutions.


Dr. Paulo Malo founded the All-on-4™ method in the early 1990s. Unlike traditional dental implant procedures, the All-on-4™ technique allows for the placement of implants without the need for bone grafts, which previously increased risk for patients.

This research proved All-on-4™ to be an effective full-arch alternative and became commonplace in many implant dentistry offices across the world by the late 1990s.

Since that time, hundreds of thousands of All-on-4™ implants have aided patients with extreme tooth and gum issues.


The term All-on-4™ comes from the method of strategically placing four dental implants in the upper or lower jaw to support a full arch of teeth. The strategic placement of the implants provides a stable foundation for the teeth, fully restoring chewing power and efficiency.

With All-on-4™ implants, you will have a new smile and better quality of life without the need for bone grafting or other longer, more expensive treatments.

How All-on-4™ Compares to Other Tooth-Replacement Solutions

Dentures are the most common tooth-replacement solution for patients with severe tooth loss and come in multiple options. Traditional dentures are removable, which allow for easy cleaning and maintenance, while implant-supported dentures provide more stability and improved chewing efficiency.

All-on-4™ dental implants look, feel, and function just like real teeth, allowing patients to smile, talk, and dine like they did before their tooth loss while helping preserve bone health — something dentures do not do. All-on-4™ implants are a viable option for those with severe bone loss because they do not require bone grafts. Unlike implant-supported dentures, All-on-4™ implants are nonremovable and do not cover the palate like dentures do. All-on-4™ also allows patients to get new teeth in as little as one day!

At Center for Implant Dentistry, we recommend All-on-4™ implants due to the added support and strength that they offer for your smile, as well as the convenience and longevity they provide.

Dr. Richard Casteen and Dr. Robert Willis have over 60 years of combined experience and specialize in All-on-4™ treatment.  To find out if All-on-4™ implants are right for you, call 661-663-9600 to schedule a FREE consultation.