Dental Implants vs. Dentures

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A woman holds a row of dentures and attempts to clean them with a toothbrush

Tooth loss can be both a major health concern and issue that has personal ramifications. It can lead to other teeth shifting, which can cause gum disease and further damage to tissue and bones. Missing teeth can also lead to self-esteem issues and make it harder to enjoy a balanced diet.

Those who have dealt with tooth loss should know that they’re not alone. Tens of millions of Americans are missing at least one tooth and millions more are missing all their teeth.

Luckily, there are a few ways you can replace that missing tooth or missing teeth. The options generally boil down to two varieties: removable teeth versus fixed teeth or dental implants versus dentures. Here’s what you should know about these options:


Dentures are a tooth-replacement option that come in both full and partial sets. They tend to be popular option for those with severe tooth loss. With modern advancements, dentures look like regular teeth.

Dentures come with a few benefits when compared to dental benefits. For starters, they tend to be less expensive, making them an attractive choice for patients without dental insurance or the means to cover the cost of surgery. They’re also ideal for those patients who are not medically equipped for oral surgery. Plus, they give you the freedom to take them out whenever you want throughout the day for easy cleaning and maintenance. They’re perfect for patients with weak or unhealthy jaws.

But they have their drawbacks as well. They can slip out of place while eating or speaking if they’re not properly secured with adhesive. They can also lead to infection and tooth decay if they do not properly fit. And they must be cleaned regularly and replaced every few years.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are permanent replacements that are placed in your mouth via surgery. They are known as fixed teeth because they cannot be removed by the patient. The main drawback is the upfront cost, and the surgery requirement. But they can save you money over the years as they don’t have to be replaced. They’re also easier to maintain, meaning fewer visits to the dentist.

Dental implants look, feel, and function just like real teeth, allowing you to smile, talk, and dine with confidence. Their fixed nature help restore full chewing efficiency, meaning you don’t have to think twice about what to eat because everything will stay in place. Dental implants also prevent bone loss, which dentures don’t do.

If you’re looking for a dentist or dental specialist that will provide excellent service, the Center for Implant Dentistry in Bakersfield, CA, is the place for you. We offer FREE consultations for dental implants and offer in-house financing. Cost shouldn’t stop you from having the smile you’ve dream of. Call  661-663-9600 today to schedule an appointment today!